Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Get Ready for next challenge

Okay, I'm sorry yesterday I can't write to you, because I have many homeworks.

Hari ini? Yeah, aku berangkat sekolah naik Blue Arch (Yes, My Bike ) trus dijalan ketemu Dana anak SMAGA, my neighbour. Besok rencananya kita mau berangkat sekolah bareng, tapi ga tau deh jadi apa engga. Di sekolah, karena kesiangan hampir aja telat, tapi untungnya pas di gerbang baru bel. -_-" #nyaris

Pelajaran pertama Fisika, kita ke Lab untuk praktek pake kalorimeter, kesuluruhan sih oke, TAPI kalo udah mikir... males banget :P abis Pak Supli kalo nerangin kurang jelas( sorry Pak).
Kedua, We have Dancing Class, agak kecewa karena hari ini kita nggak menari sama sekali. sebagai gantinya kita nonton Sendratari RAMAYANA eps 3. Fall Of Kumbokarno . Ceritanya bagus,penarinyajuga keren banget, Pokoknya ita harus melestarikan tarian2 kita ini.. jangan sampe kalo kita mau belajar tari Jawa harus ke Jepang atau negara lain dulu Pliiis dech -_-"

Pelajaran komputer yang paling kusuka hahha :D yeah, seperti sebelumnya kita masih praktek Ms.Access yang ternyata emang susah juga hwahahaha, trus disambi internetan buka Volturi Secret, tetep aja blom-ada-ide-buat-Claire. Terakhir matematika, yang tumben2an aku mudeng banget hehee... yah emang dari dulu kelemahan-paling-utama itu.

Ekstra hari ini Perisai Diri, setelah pemanasan dan lari kita beljar serang-hindar terus cara mematahkan serangansabit lawan. Ngga sabar nunggu hari jumat. karena ada IPSI, seleksi buatlomba besok:P

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Its have been so long I leave you my dear blog >.< I'm so sorry.

Today, I have many homeworks! Nihon go homework, Javanese homework,  and Chemistry. I still do it now, but when I open my computer and remember you, I decided to write to you today. I promise I'll post many entry, I'll post my story everyday. 

My Father is went to Solo yesterday and still there until know, I called him this afternoon. Yeah, I asked him where is my DVD Drive, I want it to burn my file, that was my Japanese homework. but, My DVD is can't read by my computer, Damn! So, I asked someone to burn it. my other Japanese homework is looking for PARA-PARA DANCE from JAPAN. I search it at youtube, and found many kind of PARA-PARA DANCE. I likes it very much, I learn it with my sisters.

Tonight, I'll finish my story about my vampire. my vampire name is Claire Ivonne and her husband is Marvel Ivonne, I used Kim Tae Hee picture, for Claire, and I still confused with Marvel, I likes Choi Si Won, but Marvel can be other man like Kim Bum, or Jan dong Gun. But of course I'll never imagine my seung ho oppa be Marvel. hahha he is mine, actually he is too young ro be Marvel and husband of Claire, but I shock when now, his ideal girl is Kim Tae Hee.

My other activity tonight is learn my extra, yeah "PERISAI DIRI" is like Kung Fu, or Taekwondo, but from Indonesia~

Gomawo :p
Good night,
